Primitive creatures

Primitive creatures found large around the world Monkeys, since the ancient world some believe they came from a punishment that was in Sodom and Gomorrah. The days of lot; lots children after looking over their shoulder to see their mum who had been turned to a salt stone.History tells us that monkeys have been since the early days and they are what man was before evolution Started, Monkeys are Beautiful creatures created by God as we all know and they are found all around the world.
Primitive creatures 

The Kenya beast’s primates –

 The Baboon the cynocephalus is a large terrestrial monkey with a dog like head they are two types found in Kenya the yellow baboon found in the eastern Kenya and the olive baboon through   the rest of the country. They gather together at night in troops. Live in trees they are omnivorous their diet is fruits, roots tubers and grass they also eat meat. When they feel threatened the can disturb people and even attack the innocent.
Yellow Baboon

There is also another type known as the Black and white colobus –the Guereza 
very distinctive and beautiful monkeys a black jet coat and flowing white mantel. They are easily found in the forest canopy and they are difficult to see.  They move through the top of trees. Mountain lodge on Mount Kenya during sunset is a good spot to get a close look while on their route to their sleeping areas.

Black and white colobus

The Vervet, Cercopithicus aethiops, familia to anyone who have visited Kenya national packs and reserves, the are intelligent, fearless and cheeky they limb well agile and very quick.

Syke monkey –cercopithecus albogularis mitis, the forest monkey that live and travels
 in family groups of more than twelve members they feed in the morning and late in the afternoon but they descend to lower levels during hot hours of the day. Mostly feed on leaves, fruits, flowers, back, and they also eat insects, young birds and eggs. 

Syke monkey

Mount Kenya


Mount Kenya ranks as the country's second-highest mountain at 5,199 meters / 17,058 feet. This extinct 
volcano actually has three peaks, one of which can be reached by hikers. The other  two require more
 technical  climbing skills and are increasingly popular with ice and rock climbers. For wildlife lovers, 
Mount Kenya remains a popular place to look out for white elephant, rhino, buffalo and leopard, as well as some interesting high-altitude plant life. 

Whilst this imposing mountain is often overshadowed  by its younger, 
more famous neighbor, Mount Kilimanjaro, the sheer beauty is bound to be an inspiration to your senses.

Olduvai Gorge

Commonly referred to as the cradle of mankind, this steep sided ravine is located in the Great Rift Valley East of Serengeti plains and measures 30 miles long and 295 ft deep. It is one of the most significant prehistoric sites in the world especially due to the aid in furthering the understanding the theory of human evolution.

Discovered by a German entomologist named (Wilhelm) Kattwinkel who accidentally stumbled upon the gorge during one of his expeditions, the gorge comprises of an erosion-created rift with layer after layer of fossils, bones and ancient artifacts.

Excavation work at this anthropologist’s paradise was pioneered in 1931 by Louis and Mary leaky with other anthropologists carrying on the work into the 21st century.
To this day studies have shown that millions of years ago the site where the gorge lies was once a large lake with volcanic ash covered shores however due to seismic activity the nearby streams were diverted cutting down into the sediments revealing 7 main layers in the walls of the gorge.

Tsavo National Park

Explore the wilderness of Kenya by visiting Tsavo National Park. This is divided into East and West. The wild landscapes and rich wildlife forms the natural beauty of this region. Wildlife creatures like hippos, elephants, and crocodiles can be found at this part of the nation. You may also get to see the “Big Five”. You can visit the Tsavo National Park from the months of May till October. There are several campsites for you to lodge in.

Exploring the beauties by visiting the tourist attractions in Kenya is a wonderful idea, when in the country for your vacation. You can also check out the cities and town and enjoy being a part of the colourful culture and tradition of the residents of the nation. There are accommodation options for you to have a comfortable stay. You can also be a part of the Safari rides, elephant rides and other such entertaining activities at some of the National Parks of Kenya. You can also take part in various activities like shopping, eating, water sports and camping and make your stay in Kenya a memorable experience. 

Lake Turkana

 To explore the wilderness of the country, you must certainly visit Lake Turkana. A well known lake of Northern Rift valley, It is a major attraction from far and wide. this Water body is known to be filled with crocodiles. the lake is a wonder in itself as there id a constant change of colour of  the water in the lake with the wind. Lake turkana is the biggest lake in the world. This natural wonder is best visited During the month of June or July.

Menengai Crater

The Menengai Crater's statistics are impressive, to say the least. Measuring 12 km / 7 miles across and 500 metres / 1,640 feet in depth, it is hard to get a sense of its sheer size. It certainly helps to view the crater from a lookout point. In the mid-19th century, the crater was the site of a bloody battle between the Ilaikipiak and Maasai tribes, with many of the former meeting their end by being thrown into the crater. Together with legends that the crater is haunted by evil spirits, it is hardly surprising that even locals aren't particularly keen on going too near the crater's edge. The Menengai Crater can be reached after a fairly long hike, although this can be made shorter if a taxi can be found.

The Masai Mara:

If you are a wildlife lover, this is where you should come to in Kenya. Masai Mara lies in the western part of Kenya. Taking a parachute you can witness the biggest wildlife migration. The best time to visit this part of the country is during the dry season that is from July to the October. It is then that you get to see the annual migration of innumerable wildebeests. Shaba, Buffalo and Samburu National Parks

North Central Kenya boats of the 3 beautiful Reserves. Shaba, Buffalo Springs and Samburu are the best that you cannot afford to miss during your Kenya vacations. Ewaso Ngiro River is a spot that tourists love to come to. This place boasts of a rich collection of wildlife such as, leopard, zebra, elephant, ostriches and giraffe. You can visit this tourist attraction from June till October. There are accommodation options in the park, which allows you to enjoy the natural wonders to the fullest.

Mombasa Elephant Tusks

Elephant Tusks on Moi Avenue commemorate the visit of Queen Elizabeth II in 1952 and make a lovely backdrop for photographs.
They are a major tourist attraction in Mombasa Todate.

Come And Go Safari


The largest continent that has been regarded for decades as the Home of the early man is the best place to visit. The most Old and ancient Things that existed are still in place. Buildings like Fort Jesus built by the Portuguese in 1593 and overlooking the Indian Ocean, Sites like Olorgersaile The great rift valley, Lord Egerton Castle built between 1930 and 1940 , located 14km northwest of Nakuru town off Nakuru-Eldoret highway. these and more are nice places to Visit on your vacations. 

Cruise Tourism

Tourism plays a very important role in the economic growth of any nation globally. It is through tourism that countries in Europe, America and Asia and Africa have counted their largest income.
In Kenya, tourism has been the front line in stabilizing our economy, and is one of the most important sectors providing employment to thousands of people directly and many more indirectly. It is the second highest foreign exchange earner after agriculture and more the reason why it is important to see how we can diversify the products offered in this sector through other ways especially through cruise tourism. 
Cruise tourism is the use of ships for pleasure cruising and not merely for transportation and it is unique in the manner in which it provides a combination of transportation, accommodation, entertainment, retail and destination services.
Investing in the Kenya tourism is becoming very attractive. With aggressive marketing and diversification of source markets by the government, the industry is recording an all time high. There is also need to identify other tourist attractions besides the existing National Parks, Game reserves and the Beach that have not yet been exploited. In order to extend the length of stay of “safari” tourists in Kenya, emphasis will be put into the development of inland “resorts” situated close to the national parks and game reserves. It is noted that the main constraint to the development of such resorts has been lack of sufficient investment capital. Participation in such investment ventures will, therefore, be very much encouraged by the Government of Kenya in order to exploit the tourism potential in those areas. Investment in tourism In Kenya include in lodges, transport and ground handling, travel agencies, and entertainment including restaurants, discos and theme parks.
It is expected that Kenya will benefit a lot through “cross cruising” that sees the many cruise ships that are expected to call at the port of Durban to also come to the port of Mombasa though our biggest threat at the moment is that we do not have facilities for such huge visits and this will cause us quite a great loss of opportunities as for some passengers as well as ship operators might be on their first visit and so looking out for new future destinations. New vessels expected at the South African ports that are on their first visit, and, are on the look out for new destinations include the giant QUEEN MARY TWO that is expected to call at Cape Town and Durban, P&O’s Aurora:
Apart from the infrastructural challenges, a Value Added Tax introduced in mid 2010 by the Kenyan government on marine and port services will hurt the cruise industry In the East region. International Cruise ship operators locked horns with KPA recently over the VAT threatening to withdraw their cruise lines from Mombasa, which would also affect Dar es salaam and Zanzibar.

The Kenyan government has also raised its entry visa fees that has in turn caused the cruise ship companies to look for new ports to call that have better holiday packages, lower entry rates and attractive scenery. Most potential cruise liners have actually changed their destinations to rival ports of South Africa and Tanzania which are proving to attract more attention than Kenya. Tanzania is famous as the home of Mt Kilimanjaro, Serengeti, Ngorongoro crater, Its displays a lot of the exotic Swahili cultural and architectural influences dating back to the sultanates, its organized city sightseeing tour and its national parks which are a good distance from their capital city and can be reached by full-day or overnight excursions which is a great plus as compared to Kenya. It also boasts beautiful beaches, marine sports, snorkeling and diving.

The number of cruise passengers has been growing almost twice as fast as International Tourist arrivals in the last decade, this is according to a study on the cruise industry by some analysts who stated that    “ ..the number of cruise passengers has increased by 7.7% from 1999 to date”. For this reason, there are plans to construct other berths at “ Dongo Kundu” and there is a master plan for the construction of new port terminals at Lamu, then the government together with the tourism operators, the ports  officials and stake holders  should have no reason as to why they cannot reconstruct or dedicate one or two berths just for cruise tourism. In this research we will try and see how best to work towards building a cruise station that will help support this trade and host the large numbers of tourists that we have been getting and are still expecting to get through the cross cruising.
Since Kenya has been in the cruise tourism industry much earlier than the Emirate who discovered the advantage to this sector much recently, it is sad to note that they have put quite a lot into creating better facilities and services than many other ports including ours and this has put them on top of most cruise destinations. Kenya has equal or even more potential to attract a bigger tourist percentage as it holds some of the most spoken of tourist attractions than the Emirate, so if we are to put more emphasis on security and infrastructure then we can be ranked amongst the top twenty cruise destinations.